joi, 18 martie 2010

Abstract space

I'm drawing the sky,
I'm drawing the moon,
I'm drawing a forest,
I'm doing my best.
It's an infinity of dreams...
Finfing angels aroud springs.

i'm drawing a flower,
I'm drawing the sun
I'm drawing this our....
I'm drawing kids fun.
I'm making roses with the wind,
I'm creating the dream that I should find.

Bloody feelings

My heart it's bleeding with sorrowed memories
Thinking about last day's tomorow...
Let me enjoy in sorrow
Without destiny's curosity.

/red roses, white roses,
Dancing along garves
White spirit,
Dark knight,
Facing protals madness
Among of all darkness.


Astazi in lumea-nintraga se asterne,
Un zgomot al surasului viitor,
Peste dealulrile muntilor,
Amintirile de prin troiene.

Ninge usor din norii grei...plangand,
Se asterne un strat alb si dule pe asfalt,
Vantul ne canta vesel, spunand:
"Timpul trece peste varful cel inalt."

Te plimbi prin lume, crezand,
Ca asta este drumul cel bun...
De unde sti? Prin el trecand...
Ca acesta nu-i chiar ultimul?